27 April 2005

Bought some dark side M&M's...pretty cool colors, huh?


Anonymous said...

your a f'in douche

Chris said...

The word you meant to use is "you're," a contraction of "you," the subject of your unpunctuated and ill-conceived sentence, and "are," the verb of said sentence.

"Your," which you incorrectly used, indicates second person possession, suggesting that I am in possession of something called an "a f'in douche," a suggestion which, in addition to being completely illogical, would also mean that your "sentence" contains only a subject, with no verb. Upon reading this fragment, one might be prompted to ask, "What about my "a f'in douche," if, indeed, they saw fit to respond to your inane babbling at all (I do so here only for the sake of my own entertainment, and I am quite sure that, were you to actually read this reply, its significance would be far beyond your ability to apprehend).

Also, since the pronunciation of your colorfully summarized explitive ("f'in") requires the use of a vowel sound at the beginning of its first syllable, you should have used "an" instead of "a".

Then again, perhaps I shouldn't expect proper grammar from someone who feels the need to comment on a brief, four-year-old blog post written by a stranger, without injecting said comment with any substance or wit.

In conclusion, you, sir, are the f'in douche.