We didn't do as much roaming around today, but we had a good time. The day started when Lyndo woke us up to say that Audri and Ava were coming over. We put some chicken on the grill and Dad got back from his daily cookie-run just in time to eat lunch with us. During lunch, Dad got a call from the Kia dealership, saying that they'd found Lyndo's car. [Background: Lyndo got a used Isuzu Rodeo recently from the Kia place. When the 'Check Engine' light came on a few days ago, they took it back to the dealership to have 'em fix it. Turns out they send a lot of their work to a place down the street to be fixed, and that's what they did with this one. Well somehow, in the process of driving it six or so blocks, it 'got
lost.' They actually called and said 'Yeah, um...we can't find your car...'
Insane.] So all
six of us (Lyndo, Dad, Audri, Ava, Netty, and I) crammed into Audri's car so we could go pick it up and then go visit Mom at work. Here's what the backseat looked like...kinda illegal, I know...
So we got to the dealership and Dad and I rode with Lyndo while the rest
of the crew stayed in Audri's car. And thus began our next little adventure... The Rodeo is a manual transmission, and though she knew how to drive it, she was, shall we say, less than confident. So there were a couple of close calls, but no accidents. We
did have to go by the shop that had fixed the problem, though, because they apparently hadn't reset the 'check engine' light after they'd fixed it. I'm glad it worked out that way, because I then got to see the slogan on their front door, which made me laugh.
After that little detour, we finally caught up with the other half of the
group and went in to say hi to my Mom at work, and she introduced us to some of her coworker/friends. The place she works just happens to be right around the corner from the TCBY where Lyndo's boyfriend works (his name is Chris, which just isn't working out for me). So we stopped in there, too, and
he gave us the frozen yogurt hookup. But now that I think about it, we had to pay for it, so it wasn't really a hookup at all... Dad amused us all, and embarassed Chris, by asking him if his intentions toward Lyndi were honorable. I believe the answer was yes.
We hurried home after that so Netty could finish and upload her
homework by 6:00 (during which time I took a nap), and then we went to buy food for dinner.
While it was on the grill, Ava and I
fed some ducks, and after dinner, Lyndo's rollin' crew showed up for a bit and abducted her. The rest of us played with Ava in the sandbox for a bit, got our frog points for the day, and then watched The Incredibles (which I can now recommend--it was pretty good). And now I blog.
The link to the duck video is broken, I know. But I can't seem to fix it...
Ah, so Putfile just sucks...for now anyways.
Shannon recommended opening a Vimeo account and going through there, but you can only upload one video a week (8mb limit).
Looks like yous are having fun! Continue...
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