21 December 2006
Holiday How-to 2006
02 December 2006
01 December 2006
(Before you click, take a second and consider how the Nintendo Wii could possibly be connected with The Big Lebowski. Then, enjoy.)
[Edit: Netty just insisted, insisted, that I put a disclaimer on this. Ok, there's a little bit of foul language in this video. If such trivialities bother you, you might want to skip it.]
[Edit 2: It has been brought to my attention that the word "trivialities" in the above edit may seem to trivialize certain readers' trivial concerns about language.]
19 November 2006
12 November 2006
Oh, do glow on.
31 October 2006
A Vader-ish Halloween
27 October 2006
GrogIslands.com goes live!
22 October 2006
19 October 2006
Jack 'O Lantern Jamboree '06
Ok, next up: Skineater. Gross name, excellent band. They have this persistently mellow sound, but with a kind of menace behind it. Imagine a zombie playing a blues set with B.B. King, and you have some idea of what Skineater sounds like.
Next up was Stormtrooper. Now, these guys are a good band. Maybe a great band. But you have to completely ignore their lyrics if you want to enjoy them. They're WAY too political, and unless you think living under a galactic imperialist regime sounds like a good time, you won't agree with anything they have to say in the political realm. Luckily, everyone seemed content to ignore the lyrics and soak in those sweet, sweet power chords.
So that's it. If you missed it this year, hope to see you at JackJam '07!
P.S. We (Jenette, Shannon, Me, Nicole, in picture order) carved pumpkins last night.
10 October 2006
They may be short, but they have big axes.
04 October 2006
Episode 2, in (almost) full Color-Vizzion!
01 October 2006
30 September 2006
Captain'sLog: another kerplosion! After a night at Hays, and a supposed car repair, we continued the adventure. we got as far as Colby before another battery died. luckily the hockey team was behind us so now we're crammed in with them. It continues!
29 September 2006
We're stuck! the shancole-mobile just kerploded on our way to colorado. don't worry tho. the marines are on the way (in the form of amber's parents). Oorah. i'll keep you posted on our little adventure.
25 September 2006
I'd like to hit him, too.
Instead of quitting, or maybe becoming a better director, or trying a different kind of film because he obviously can't do this one, he decided a better approach was to issue an open challenge: any critic who would step up could face Uwe Boll in a boxing ring. I'm not even kidding. Four brave souls stepped up, and here's the video.
So. You challenged them all to a boxing match because you already know how to box? Very noble, Uwe. You deliberately set up an unfair fight. On the other hand, those four guys seem to know more about good movies than you'll ever know, so they find it easy to tear your movies apart. Also an unfair fight.
So, the moral of the story is that we should all stick to what we're good at--like you and boxing. And if you don't like that one, the alternative moral is that you suck.
09 September 2006
08 September 2006
Vampire watermelons!
[Edit: the video somehow got fubar'd. I'll have to repost it.
The belief in vampires of plant origin occurs among Gs. [Gypsies] who belong toFascinating.
the Mosl. faith in KM [Kosovo-Metohija]. According to them there are only two
plants which are regarded as likely to turn into vampires: pumpkins of every
kind and water-melons. And the change takes place when they are 'fighting one
another.' In Podrima and Prizrenski Podgor they consider this transformation
occurs if these vegetables have been kept for more than ten days: then the
gathered pumpkins stir all by themselves and make a sound like 'brrrl, brrrl,
brrrl!' and begin to shake themselves. It is also believed that sometimes a
trace of blood can be seen on the pumpkin, and the Gs. then say it has become a
vampire. These pumpkins and melons go round the houses, stables, and rooms at
night, all by themselves, and do harm to people. But it is thought that they
cannot do great damage to folk, so people are not very afraid of this kind of
Oh, and one last thing: I got a pirate pistol! I got a pirate pistol!
Go eBay!
21 August 2006
3 things
1. Sunday night, I used my limited Photoshop skillz to turn my little cousin into a Kindergarten Kommando:
2. We (Netty, Aaron, Shannon, and I) saw Snakes on a Plane last Friday, and I have just three words: Best. Movie. Ever. In fact, it was so good that I had my buddy Samuel L. call some of you to let you know. I hope you appreciated it.
3. The fall semester started today. I had one class (Creative Writing Workshop) and taught one (Expository Writing I). It was my first teaching experience ever, and if things go the way they did today, it'll be a pretty good semester.
08 August 2006
Set course for spiffiness
03 August 2006
I'm not sure if this'll even post (cell phone posts are iffy) but i'll give it a go. i'm at borders in longmont, killing time til Netty, Shannon, and gary get here from the hockey shop. that's all. also, check back for a video post in a day or two.
30 July 2006
(P.S.: Change "today" to "yesterday"...I didn't get this posted last night like I'd planned.)
27 July 2006
Grog Islands Militia!
Also, we're going to the Jupiter Sunrise concert in Lawrence in less than an hour, meaning this'll be the first time I've ever woken up and gone to a concert first thing in the 'morning.' Rather different, that.
10 July 2006
If you'll look to your right...
08 July 2006
20 June 2006
All drinks should glow.
After some extensive interweb hunting for a similarly awesome product, it looks like glowing grog is a distinct possibility for the upcoming Triple-P ('Pirates of the Caribbean' Premier Party).
16 June 2006
I like Newegg
Who rock da 'chos?
14 June 2006
Who's coming with me?
Besides being a movie I'm looking forward to, this is a cool way of distributing the trailer.
13 June 2006
It's official!
After 5 hours of moving and around 10 hours of cleaning the old apartment, we're finally moved. Thanks to Shannon, Nicole, Ryan, and Newgen for all the help. We checked out this morning, and it looks like our labors paid off--we won't have to pay anything for cleaning or repairs.
A two-bedroom apartment that isn't located in a construction zone is quite an improvement, let me tell you. I guess we're moving up in the world, if only a little bit.
Also, I decided that it was time to reblogulate, which is quite a task considering that both my design skills and my HTML skills are both near zero. It's not exactly finished at this point. The white outline around the header is a lingering problem, for example, and I've had the same problem when I put a graphic in the sidebar. If anyone out there in Interweb Land has an idea of what I'm doing wrong, let me know.
So far, the little I've done to the 'ol Double B has been described as "scary"--I'm not sure if that's what I was going for, but I’ll take it.
07 June 2006
I like the internet.
06 June 2006
I have no idea what this is...
Think about this.
Also, X-Men 3 (technically, X-Men: The Last Stand) is a decent movie. Not great, but decent, and it ended the trilogy as well as could be expected, considering they changed directors between 2 and 3 (Lincoln may have had questionable taste in facial hair and hattery, but his advice against midstream horse-changing was rock solid). Die-hard fans may be less than thrilled with the ending. I wasn't terribly bothered by it, though. Overall, I'd say it's about an 7.9/10.
02 June 2006
20 May 2006
19 May 2006
18 May 2006
Construction equipment or battlewagon?
You can't see it very well, but it has a giant circular saw blade for no apparent reason.
14 May 2006
19 April 2006
11 April 2006
G4 doing something cool?
09 April 2006
A good idea, but...
Actually, it's a normal-sized fork, but someone stuck it in the ground next to the giant spork on campus.
07 April 2006
03 April 2006
Stephen Colbert was drinking this on his show tonight. It's a pistachio-flavored soda, from an entire line of nut-flavored sodas called Nutz Sparkling Soda Pop. As you know, I've always warned against the dangers of mixing carbonated beverages with nuts, and once again I've been proven right: Nutz has been discontinued. And I'm guessing that a company called NUTZ Beverages, Inc. doesn't have anything else in the works to keep themselves afloat. (On the plus side, I discovered bevnet.com, a very cool site that reviews all sorts of drinks)
02 April 2006
Star Wars Miniatures!
And here's the end of the game (I won):
P.S. You're all invited over to play anytime.
30 March 2006
25 March 2006
22 March 2006
20 March 2006
It moos!
So, the lesson for today is: Barely open window + high winds = mooing window
12 March 2006
10 March 2006
Miggety Moblog?
New wireless phone w/ camera = me rocking the moblog, and since you have to send a first pic in order to set it up, here's a nice picture of our front door. Enjoy! :)
03 March 2006
More on Lego Star Wars II
13 February 2006
The Eighth Law Strikes Back!
10 February 2006
01 February 2006
The response
SNL can be funny if they really try
29 January 2006
Sell indie music on iTunes
They also offer tools for creating album art, and are planning to offer merchandising options (i.e. t-shirt creation) in the near future. In short, they seem to do everything I've called for. The only question is how negotiable the contract is. Big artists, like the ones on MTV (/gag) will never have any reason to distribute music this way if they're making the same $/song as Cheese Head (R.I.P., no offense Michelle :)). Granted, they're likely to sell more if they're more popular, and should thus earn more money automatically, but at present there's too much greed in the industry for anyone to see that. In any case, check out the site if you're interested, because I'm sure I've left something out.
Oh, and though its mere presence on my blog implies this, I'll go ahead and say it: "I /certify the Awesomeness of this idea."
27 January 2006
More evidence for Turpin's Eighth Law of Awesome
26 January 2006
Country music sucks, but...
Seriously, widespread distribution is the only function of a record label (that and stealing people's money) and that function is obsolete. I suppose they're also responsible for promoting bands, but the internet (myspace, etc.) makes that function obsolete, too. The RIAA knows this, and they're just trying to grab up as much as they can before artists figure it out, too. Unfortunately, our rights are getting jacked with in the meantime.
And you know, even if the recording industry had an actual purpose, which they don't, they'd still die because they're making the world HATE them. Google's mantra of "do no evil," for example, seems to be a much better business model than the **AA's "do excessive, government-sponsored evil." Heck, Google could be deceiving us all, gradually positioning themselves to take over the world while pacifying us with their nifty little innovations. At the very least, I know they're a company, which means they're only interested in consumer satisfaction insofar as it brings them profit, but hey, at least they pretend to not be jerks. The AA's won't even do that anymore.
Ok, rant over...for now...
14 January 2006
Star Wars fans are awesome
This is a near-life-size replica of Han Solo frozen in carbonite, which is cool by itself. But this one is made of Legos. 10,000 of them.
The guy who made it has made lots of other fun stuff, but my favorite (after the Solo model) is his Jedi Statue of Liberty. :)
Get on this before it gets shut down
13 January 2006
How silly
12 January 2006
Your mountain a splode
Also, I just finished my first day of classes. I'm taking Literary Criticism, which looks like it'll be a better class than I was expecting, and History of the English Language, which I'm very much looking forward to. Tomorrow is the Hebrew Bible, taught by the Behlman Factor, which I'm also looking forward to. So now you know.
11 January 2006
Sam & Max live!
Old news, but new to me as of two days ago. After having Sam & Max, Freelance Police cancelled by LucasArts, we all assumed the situation was hopeless, that LA would just sit on the rights and we'd never see another Sam & Max game. Fortunately (I hope) an independent company called Telltale Games has acquired the rights, and will be working with Steve Purcell on some new releases. I don't know how good a company Telltale is (they've only made two other, mediocre-looking games) but as long as Purcell does the writing, it doesn't really matter-- the humor is the real draw of the series, anyway. They'll be releasing episodes, rather than a whole game at once, which, if you ask me, is a pretty spiffy idea. If other companies would release episodic games, it could be a great method for reviving the adventure gaming genre (as long as each episode is <$5 a pop).
No word on release date yet, but there will be some kind of dog and rabbity-thing action coming out this year.