(F-e1) + (B-e2) = J
F>= $3.00
[F = The Famed
B = Stuck on Broadway
L = Ludo
J = Anything But Joey
e1 = the new guy(s) in The Famed
e2 = the new guy(s) in Stuck on Broadway]
So that's what I thought of the show. I don't think there's anything contradictory in there...
13 years ago
So you think the Famed was the best?
Yep. Ludo has a lot of talent, but they don't seem to put it to very good use most of the time. I did quite enjoy their 2 newer songs (zombies!), so I'll be interested when/if they come out w/ a second album. And SOB was... well... lame. Cheap lyrics + radio-rehash-ponk* = boring. So yeah, I think The Famed wins.
*'Ponk' = the generally unpleasant combination of pop and punk.
ponk = power pop (the usual term)
I think that groups that do power pop well are very talented. Their lyrics are very complex and, if good, have multiple meanings. Also coming up with good hooks are useful to being a good power pop band.
I know, I know, power pop is to "bright" for your taste, but I likes it.
1. 'Ponk' is better. :)
2. 'Brightness' has nothing to do with it. I guess I don't categorize bands the way most people do. It seems to me that for a band to be 'good' they have to stand out from their genre, not fade into its background. And I mean that regardless of which genre it happens to be. And I did say 'generally unpleasant'...ponk has its standout bands; I just don't find SOB to be one of them.
I agree that SOB does not stand out right now, but I think that if they work some, they could improve greatly. We will see; it is very early in both of the bands life cycles.
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