As most good days do, this one started with a bit of Galaxies, and then we headed out with a carload of Michelle, Shannon, Nicole, Netty, and me. And a can of corn. First stop: Pochi, where I got misself an orange smoothie with \'tapioca pearls,\' or as I call them, \'ammunition\' (launching them through a straw works very well :) ). Now we\'re at Free State Brewery, drinking and looking at menus while we wait for the arrival of Newgen--who\'s still at work--and Aaron--who\'s on his way from Manhattan w/ Amber.
After this, it\'s on to the show, which, as I understand it, will consist of The Famed and Stuck on Broadway opening for Ludo. Am I interested in any of these bands? Not particularly. But it should still be a good time. The first two bands, for those who don\'t know, are the two halves of a band I never really cared for. If they split along the correct fault lines, though, there\'s a good chance I\'ll like one or the other. And either way, I\'ve been curious to see what the Granada is like inside.
For now I shall enjoy cheddar ale soup and wild mushroom ravioli to the tunes of Skriggety-Skruff and the Good Times. (Ok, I don\'t know what their name is, but there is a live band here). Mayhap I\'ll post from the concert if that\'s possible.