06 January 2010

Something must be said.

Where to begin?
1) Oh, the internet...
2) I know it's fake, but I wish it was real. Why don't sharks attack more helicopters?
3) I'm not sure that 'officialquiz.com' knows what an illusion is.
4) I guess if crap like this means I can have free ad-driven services like Pandora, I'll take it. Ad-clicking morons are subsidizing a good portion of my online life--yet another way in which stupid people are useful.
5) This is just one Syfy meeting away from becoming a movie (in the same vein as Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus). The sequel will feature the offspring of a Pave Low and a Great White; it will be called "Sharklocopter."


Chris said...

Well, the image disappeared, so the post doesn't make sense anymore. Then again, I'm not sure it made much sense to begin with...

Unknown said...

These kind of tricks aren't exactly accepted by open arms in night elf society, so take the novel over to Ranger Glynda Nal'Shea over at nearby Lor'daenel.
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