I've decided to watch all of my vampire movies this summer while I'm working on the vampire hunter costume, and I started with one I picked up a few weeks ago, aptly titled Vampires (technically, John Carpenter's Vampires). It's ok, but it's certainly no Escape from New York.
I could tell you the whole story without giving anything away, because it's exactly what you'd expect: a guy (Crow) hunts vampires with the sanction and support of the Catholic church, people die gory deaths, the master vampire must be stopped, et cetera, et cetera. Other than James Woods' decent performance in the lead role, the acting sucked pretty hard, as you might imagine in a film that also stars Daniel "I Have a Couple of Brothers Who Are Ok Actors So Somebody Please Give Me Work" Baldwin.
So why don't I hate this movie completely? Well, first of all, since I'm working on my costume anyway, it doesn't have to be great. It just has to make good vampirey background noise. And second, any movie that's set on the fringes of a global Catholic conspiracy (here, hiding vampires from the world) is enough to get me interested. It's the same reason I dig Van Helsing when so many others hate it with the fiery passion of a thousand burning Stephen Sommerses.
Well, I need a score if I'm going to finish out this review, and here it is.
My rating: 5.8/10
IMDb rating:5.6/10
P.S. The rest of my vampire list: Van Helsing, Underworld 1&2,the Blade Trilogy, Interview with the Vampire, and maybe Night Watch. It's not a huge list, just all the movies we have that happen to have vampires in them. I'm sure there are some essential ones I'm missing. If you have any suggestions, let me know.
13 years ago
There are two that I can think of, offhand:
Vampyre (I think it was from 1926?) was the "first" movie about vampires. Not from around here, but its interesting to see how it plays out.
Dracula 2000 is probably one of my favorite vampire movies... Gerard Butler is in it, and did a pretty good job. Definitely not what I expected of a vampire movie.
Oh, yes. Isn't that the one where Dracula is really Judas? I forgot about that movie.
Also, since you mentioned a really old one, I've always kinda wanted to see Nosferatu, even though I'm not exactly a fan of silent films.
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